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Kardan Journal of Law (KJL) is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal dedicated to express views on topical legal issues, thereby generating a cross current of ideas on emerging matters. This platform also ignites the initiative and desire of young law students, legal practitioners to contribute in the field of law. KJL offers an interdisciplinary approach. It is committed to achieving a broad international appeal, attracting contributions and addressing issues from a range of legal cultures, as well as theoretical concerns of cross- cultural interest. Challenging, authoritative and topical, the journal appeals to legal researchers and practitioners as well as sociologists, criminologists and other social scientists. The erudite response of legal luminaries shall be solicited to enable readers to explore challenges that lie before law makers, lawyers and the society at large, in the event of the ever changing social, economic and technological scenario
KJL provides practical advice on key business-law issues such as regulatory compliance, IP protection, taxation, dispute resolution, competition law and much more. It assesses the implications of legal developments, ensuring that our readers are kept fully informed of the threats and opportunities that arise from every significant change in the law. It also provides vital intelligence on the country’s law firms, legal process outsources and judiciary. KJL started with an aim to provide an avenue for the expression of views of people belonging to the field of law. It is open for all to submit and subscribe the journal. In the present globalized scenario, it is necessary for people belonging to other fields to understand the importance, impact, and the image of law as it can affect the public at large when taken as a whole and group of individuals when viewed in parts. Further, knowledge of law (at least to an extent) has elevated form being a matter of passing interest to a level of general aptitude. The uniqueness of KJL is that, it operates without any theme, so as to provide a reasonable opportunity to those who interested in the field to express their views accordingly. KJL aims to facilitate the students, teachers and scholars to write papers on various contemporary issues and current trends in law. KJL invites Articles, Short Notes, Book Reviews and Case Commentaries from the legal fraternity of the country for the forthcoming issue. KJL provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and constructive debate on legal and policy issues surrounding world trade, cross-border investment, environment, and development, broadly defined.
1. Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be submitted at: addressing the ‘Chief Editor’ or ‘Managing Editor’, Kardan Journal of Law. Declaration of conflicting interests KJL encourages authors to include a declaration of any conflicting interests and recommends you review the good practice guidelines. Publication ethics KJL is committed to upholding the integrity of the academic record. We encourage authors to refer to the Committee on International Standards for Authors and view the Publication Ethics page. 2. Articles should be written in MS Word, Times New Roman font, and should be submitted only in soft copy. Manuscripts should normally not exceed 7,000 words and should be submitted in duplicate with the cover page bearing only the title of the article, author/s’ names, designations, official addresses, phone/fax numbers, and email addresses. Author/s’ name should not appear on any other page. Commentaries on contemporary issues should not exceed 3000 words. 3. All articles must be accompanied by an abstract of 150–200 words and 4–6 keywords. 4. The JEL classification code for the articles should be included after Keywords. 5. Use British spellings in all cases rather than American spellings (hence, ‘programme’ not ‘program’, ‘labour’ not ‘labor’, and ‘centre’ and not ‘center’). 6. Use ‘z’ spellings instead of ‘s’ spellings. This means that words ending with ‘-ise’, ‘isation’, etc., will be spelt with ‘z’ (e.g., ‘recognize’, ‘organize’, ‘civilize’). 7. Use single quotes throughout. Double quotes only to be used within single quotes. Spellings of words in quotations should not be changed. 8. Quotations of 45 words or more should be separated from the text and indented with one space with a line space above and below. 9. Notes should be numbered serially and presented at the end of the article. Notes must contain more than a mere reference. 10. Use ‘twentieth century’, ‘1980s’. Spell out numbers from one to nine, 10 and above to remain in figures. However, for exact measurements, use only figures (3 km, 9 per cent, not %). Use thousands and millions, not lakhs and crores. 11. Use of italics and diacriticals should be minimised, but used consistently. 12. Tables and figures to be indicated by numbers separately (see Table 1), not by placement (see Table below). Present each table and figure on a separate sheet of paper, gathering them together at the end of the article. All Figures and Tables should be cited in the text. Sources for figures and tables should be mentioned irrespective of whether or not they require permissions. 13. A consolidated listing of all books, articles, essays, theses and documents referred to (including any referred to in the tables, graphs and maps) should be provided at the end of the article. Guidelines specified in the Publication Manual of Chicgo (15th edition) must be followed. Inverted names In each reference, authors' names are inverted (last name first) for all authors (first, second or subsequent ones); give the last name and initials for all authors of a particular work unless the work has more than six authors. If the work has more than six authors, list the first six authors and then use et al. after the sixth author's name. Arrangement of references Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each work. Chronological listing If you have more than one work by the same author(s), list them in order by the year of publication, starting with the earliest. Sentence case In references, follow sentence case for the titles of papers, books, articles, etc. Title case In references, Journal titles are put in title case. Reference styles: Book Hochschild, A.R. (1983). The managed heart: Commercialization of human feeling. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Article in an edited book Van Maanen, J., &Kunda, G. (1989). Real feelings: Emotional expression and organizational culture. In L.L. Cummings, & B.M. Staw (Eds), Research in organizational behavior (pp. 43–103). Greenwich CT: AI Press. Conference Proceedings Akaike, H. (1973).Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Information Theory (pp. 267–281). Budapest, Hungary: AkademiaiKiado. Article from the web Hort, L., Barrett, M., &Fullop, L. (2001).Doing hard labor: Gendered emotional labor in academic management. Retrieved from conference/2001/Papers/Gender/Hort Journal Article Harris, L.C. (2002). The emotional labor of barristers: An exploration of emotional labor by status professionals. Journal of Management Studies, 39(4), 553–584. 14. The reference to other works should be provided in the text using citations written in the author-date method. Author-date method Follow the author-date method of in-text citation, e.g., (Morris, 2000). Quotes When directly quoting from a work, include the page number in the citation. Citation styles One Work by One Author: (Morris, 2000) One Work by Multiple Authors: (Morris and Feldman, 2000) One Work by Three or More Authors: (Morris et al., 2000) Works with No Author: Cite the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year, for example, (‘Study Finds’, 1982). Two or More Works by Different authors in One Citation: (Morris, 1980; Rafaeli, 1988; Sachs and Blackmore, 1998) Two or More Works by the Same Author(s) in One Citation: (Sachs and Blackmore, 1998, 1999) Two or More Works Published in the Same Year by the Same Author(s): (Morris, 1980a, 1980b, 1980c) Authors with the Same Last Name: To prevent confusion, use first initials with the last names: (T.V. Rao, 2001; M.K. Rao, 1998). Work discussed in secondary source: In the text, name the original work, and give a citation for the secondary source. For example, if Seidenberg and McClelland's work is cited in Coltheart et al. and you did not read the original work, list the Coltheart et al. reference in the References. In the text, use the following citation: In Seidenberg and McClelland's study (as cited in Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, and Haller, 1993).... 15. Book reviews must have details like name of author/editor and book reviewed, place of publication and publisher, year of publication, number of pages and price.
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